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Had to create a dead body that can be thrown and not break. Stuffed a suit and sewed the clothing together. 

Medicine bag and tea set. Made old parchment letters by dyeing paper with tea then drying it with a hair dryer.

Picked petals from flowers so cast can throw them.

Hand-held fan I brought in for the production.

Created vines by rolling up brown paper and gluing on leaves.

Final product of the vines.

Made fountain pens from aluminum can and paint brush handles.

Created two settees from scratch. Built them, castered them, upholstered them, then painted them.

Cut out different sections of this photo, framed them, then hung them on the set to add a background.

Actors using the settees and sewing hoops. Settees were able to be moved on and off stage with actors on them.

Several props in use. Placed four chairs on castered platforms.

Sense and Sensibility Position: Master Properties

Revised prop's list created after viewing the show, detailing which props still need to be made and how.

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